JEWELERY 2018-12-11T15:47:25+00:00

Project Description


Let us take you into the magical world of Swarovski, APM Monaco, Pandora and much more.


Founded in 1920 the Spanish brand TOUS started off as a family business. With over 300 stores worldwide TOUS expanded in 2018 one more time and partnered with us.  Oscar winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow is the brand ambassador who loves the handmade jewelry. The bear is the embodiment of TOUS representing the key value of the brand: tenderness


In 2004 the french designer Laetitia Cohen-Skalli started her designs. Soon after they conquered the world. Diamonds attached to a filigree string who resist to tear apart until heavy weight of 80 kg. Nobel materials such as gold and diamonds are used for all creations. The collection embraces necklaces and bracelets for men and for women. The perfect baptism gift for a new born you will find within the baby collection of this exclusive brand.

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